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Sri Sahasra Chandi Maha Yaga

From 17 June 2023 To 22 June 2023

“Chandi Homam” is a powerful homam performed to enjoy good health and happy family life. Chandi Homam is done to appease and seek blessings of Goddess Durga. The name Chandi is the other name of Goddess Durga as mentioned in Devi Mahatyam.

Benefits of Performing Chandi Homam, 

1. For Poverty free society

2. Keeps all the negative energies and evil forces away

3. Immense abundance and prosperity

4. Brings happiness and removes suffering and negativity

5. Helps get rid of obstacles in life.

Devotees can also make the donations for ‘Chandi Homam’ through the below QR Code. 

To Pay, Scan The QR Code Using Your Bank’s QR App