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South Shirdi Saibaba Temple - Akkaraipatti, Trichy

One can extol the greatness, kindness and splendour of Shirdi Baba for a lifetime. An act of extolling His greatness could be to build a magnificent abode for the Avatar, resplendent in aesthetics and sanctity. And this requires His blessings, enormous resources, single-minded devoutness and the support of many Shirdi Sai devotees.

Sree Sai Karpagaviruksha Trust planned to design and construct the South Shirdi Sai Baba (south shirdi), to glorify the magnificence of this great saint and continue the service to society, just as He has been helping the mankind since His incarnation. 

Stay at the Ashram and immerse yourself in our wonderful yogic lifestyle program with other like-minded members. 

Accordingly, a dedicated group of nine of the spiritual inspired devotees of Shirdi Sai Baba united in mind and spirit to form Sree Sai Karpagaviruksha Trust on 4th December 2009, with K Chandramohan, Chairman of NTC Group of Companies helming as the Managing Trustee.

The search for a suitable land that could be the blessed soil that can host the beautiful temple of worship, led us to a beautiful piece of land near Samayapuram, in a small hamlet called Akkaraipatti [formerly Agraharapatti nearTrichy]. It is also spiritually uplifting to note that Shirdi Sai Baba appeared in a vision to K Chandramohan, and mandated him to construct a temple for Him in Akkaraipatti.

Under the aegis of Sree Sai Karpagaviruksha Trust, the South Shirdi Sai Baba temple construction began in Akkaraipatti, near Samayapuram in 2009. It is coming up on a 50,000 sq. ft. area and would be among the largest Shirdi Sai Baba Mandirs in Asia. With His blessings, it is proposed to perform the Kumbabishekam on 20th January 2020. Monday between 9.00 am to 10.15 am

2009 Shirdi Sai Baba appears in a vision to Shri.K.Chandramohan

Shirdi Sai Baba, the Avatar [the incarnation of Supreme Being in human form] of our time, has provided succor and relief to mankind ever since His advent on mother Earth. He has been guiding mankind through vicissitudes of fortunes. No wonder He is being worshipped by countless devotees from all over the world. Albeit not in flesh and blood in our midst now, the great Satguru is in us and around us; omnipotent and ubiquitous.

Likeminded spiritually attuned followers and Samaritans of the Avatar Shirdi Sai Baba joined hands to further their good cause by planning to form a trust and build a Temple for the Venerated One.

The trust was formed with a two-pronged vision to build a temple for the Holy One that could extol His virtues andalso be able serve the underprivileged of the society.

Accordingly, nine of the spiritual followers of Shirdi Sai Baba united in mind and spirit to form Sree Sai Karpagaviruksha Trust, on 4th December 2009, with K Chandramohan, Chairman of NTC Group of Companies at the helm as the Managing Trustee.

The search for a suitable land that could be the blessed soil that can host the beautiful temple of worship, led us to a beautiful piece of land near Samayapuram, , in a small hamlet called Akkaraipatti [formerly Agraharapatti nearTrichy]. It is also spiritually uplifting to note that Shirdi Sai Baba appeared in a vision to K Chandramohan, and mandated him to construct a temple for Him in Akkaraipatti.

The Panduranga Sai Community Center has been a beehive of welfare activities since 2009. The community center hosts several social welfare activities under the aegis of the Sai Karpagaviruksha Trust. Today, Annadhan [distribution of free food] to homeless, orphans & invalid, free medical camps, and distribution of educational aid to children of nearby hamlets, are organized in the Panduranga Sai Community Center, in line with the founding visions of the trust.