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Gurusthan measn “Place of the Guru”. It is both where Baba spent most of this time when he first came to Shirdi, and also where, according to Baba, the tomb of his own Guru is located by the neem tree. Gurusthan is therefore one of the most important places in Shirdi. From underneath the NEEM tree there is an underground tunnel or passage leading to the place of Dwarkamai as told by an old lady. 


Dwarakamai in Shirdi was the unadorned structure that was really the home of “God on earth”. Sai Baba lived in a dilapidated mosque which He called Dwarakamai. He lived here for about 60 years during which innumerable devotees got His Darshan and blessings from this holy place. Baba has said that merely stepping into Dwarakamai will confer blessings. The Dwarakamai at Akkaraipatti was constructed in the year 2014 with traditional pomp and gaiety.



The Nimbar or the niche is a standard feature in all mosques, and usually faces the direction of Holy Mecca. Shirdi Baba used to light lamps near the Nimbar in Dwarakamayee. Garlands decorate the Nimbar. Sri Sai Satcharitra narrates that this is the very divine spot where Shirdi Baba used to have his midday meal with his back resting on the Nimbar. Baba would also sleep with his head pointing to the Nimbar. Baba would occasionally perform Namaz [Moslem prayers] near the Nimbar.



The Dhuni (perpetual sacred fire) is one of the most divine features of Dwarakamayee. Dhuni or the sacred fire is as integral to Dhwarakamayee as it is to Baba worship. Baba built this sacred fire and it is perpetually burning since his Avatar days albeit enclosed behind a wire cage.

Dhuni is important in several traditions including Zoroastrianism, Sufism, and Hinduism. Baba would always have a Dhuni by his side wherever he went be it the mosque or the forest or the neem tree. Here in Akkaraipatti, the Dhuni gives warmth, light and enlightens the directions to many seeking Shirdi Baba devotees who throng the Dhwarakamayee.


Chavadi is also very significant to Sai devotees as it played a major role in the inception of formal worship of Baba. Once Baba started sleeping at Chavadi, the custom arose of offering regular arati to him on his arrival from the mosque. This was Sej (night) Arati. Later, Kakad (morning) Arati was offered when he woke up there. The performance of Midday and Evening aratis at the mosque probably developed subsequently.